Wednesday, November 28, 2007
A New Ad Campaign for Starbucks
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Sledding on Thanksgiving
Some new pics
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
We're Home!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Little Eden Mara is doing great. She is a sleeper. Owen was noisy and hungry all the time. Eden likes to sleep while she eats and then sleep some more. No complaints though.
We will get some more pics up soon. It has been tough to get updates up since this is the first hospital I have been in that has absolutely no public internet access--not even a wi-fi in the emergency department.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Just minutes old
Baby inspection
Owen Welcomes His Baby Sister...
After delivery, there were complications trying to get the uterus to clamp down and stop blood flow. The doctors took her to the OR to make sure that all pieces of the placenta were out but the bleeding did not stop. They ended up going in with catheters through the femoral arteries and blocking the open ends of the uterine arteries with an expanding gel foam to stop the bleeding. After nearly 7 hours in the OR, she was released to ICU for observation.
This morning the doctor verified that the bleeding had stopped sufficiently. They are monitoring her blood counts to make sure she is stable and will be releasing her back to the Maternity Ward later this afternoon. We will probably be here for another day.
Owen is a perfect big brother. He makes sure his little sister is covered with her blanket and her hat is on good so she stays warm. She is eating and sleeping and pooping like a champ. As soon as we can get pictures loaded into the computer we will post some here.
More updates to come...
Friday, November 16, 2007
No baby yet, but...
3 cm, 60% effaced--we're making progress. YEAH!
They did some bloodwork, just to be on the safe side (checking for pre-eclampsia again), b/c my blood pressure was up a little bit.
Then they did a non-stress test (put me on a fetal monitor), and the baby was not reacting liked they wanted. They wanted to send me to triage for more testing, but after poking the baby for a bit we convinced them that I was okay to go home.
However, no more work. If by some chance I don't have the baby this weekend, they're insisting I take it VERY easy.
Praying that the baby comes this weekend!
Nothing to report
By lunch it had calmed down, spiked again around 2 p.m., and basically came to a screeching halt by bedtime.
I was exhausted & sore.
Despite contractions most of the night, I feel great & well rested. Still, no baby, and nothing really showing that we'll see him or her today.
I'm not so frustrated that the baby hasn't yet been born. I'm definitely bummed--I was really looking forward to holding him or her yesterday.
The frustration comes with how do I plan my day when any second things could change. Do I go in to work? Do I rest up in preparation? Do I clean the entire house, b/c my nesting instincts are driving me nuts?
You would think with all my training & education in birthing that this would be so much easier.
Here's hoping my next post is to announce the birth of our second child.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
No, I haven't had the baby yet.
If you're reading this: Don't call us, we'll call you. We don't plan on keeping the birth of our child a secret (obviously, we're posting intimate details of our life on the world wide web).
I wasn't feeling anxious until all these calls started happening. Now it's like I'm pressured to push this kid out--and my due date is still two weeks away!
So--here's your official update: I was taken off bed rest, though they want me to take "rests" 3x a day for a least an hour (meaning laying down). I plan to go back to work tomorrow. I feel great. Blood pressure is normal (except when I get a phone call about whether or not I've had the baby). The baby will come when it comes. Thanks for asking.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
It's Not All About Me
I can get up to:
- use the bathroom
- shower
- eat
I woke up on Wednesday extremely fatigued--not a little extra tired--we're talking muscles-not-responding-to-commands and falling-asleep-in-the-middle-of-conversations pure exhaustion. When I went into the midwife's office they found my blood pressure higher than normal. They did some bloodwork, and put me on the fetal monitor for about 1/2 an hour.
All tests came back good, but they don't want to take any chances considering my history. So, to bed I went.
I'm really bad at bed rest, but as a good friend pointed out--this isn't about me. We're trying to keep the little one safe.
I can't believe I've done this for two days. A BIG thank-you to all of you wonderful people who have offered to watch Owen, bring food, or just come and sit with me to keep me from going stir-crazy.
Surprisingly, I've had about 4 hours worth of naps today, and I'm still tired. I'm hoping that this means the baby will be here soon. Mom & Dad are due to arrive on Saturday--seems like a perfect day to go into labor.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Top 10 Things Never to Say to a Pregnant Woman
9. You're really not that big.
8. Looks like you've dropped.
7. Wow, you're really showing.
6. Look at that belly!
5. When are you due, again?
4. You're still pregnant?
3. When are you going to let that baby out?
2. Are you sure you're not having twins?
1. No, seriously--when are you due?
The only thing you ever need to say to a pregnant woman: "You look fabulous."
As of Thursday, Tamara is 50% effaced with minimal dilation. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless. Unlike with Owen--we're actually "ready," if there is such a thing when preparing for a baby. The carseat is in the car, the bags are packed, and now we're waiting.
Owen is getting very excited, and enjoys rubbing his mommy's belly. We think he's got an idea of what's going on, but has no clue how his life is getting ready to change.