Saturday, September 12, 2009

Owen's Drum Money

A few weeks ago Owen busted one of his drum heads. Now, this isn't too terribly expensive to replace, but Matt was determined that Owen learn to respect his instruments.
We've never liked the idea of paying our kids to do chores, or rewarding them for good behavior. Chores are part of being in a family, and being good is part of walking the Christian life. These are their own rewards.
However, this seemed like an opportunity to teach Owen not only to respect his instruments, but also paying to repair them doesn't magically happen. It has to be worked for and earned.
So, when we catch Owen being especially good, doing extra chores, or doing things without being asked, we add nickels to his jar.
Owen thrives on praise, so in the past an enthusiastic high-five was more than enough for him. I was shocked to see how excited he was about this jar. Matt had done the explaining of the process to Owen yesterday, so this morning Owen gave me all the details. He was surprised to find out that momma would give him nickels too! He eagerly asked if he could do anything to earn nickels this morning. My boy set the table, vacuumed (including edging), and has been an extremely helpful big brother. Near saint-hood today.
Eden too wanted a coin jar. I haven't yet figured out what she's earning money for, but she joyfully helped me with laundry to earn her pennies.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Eden told me this morning "Watree ee whet." Translation: Water is wet. She's got a bright future, this pretty girl.
It's hard to believe she's going to be two years old in just a couple months. Eden is so unique, so happy--all the time. She draws attention--in a good way--EVERYWHERE we go.
For instance, today at Panera (she tagged along when I met with a new doula client) she wooed a shop owner as we walked down the sidewalk. The shop owner commented, as all who meet Eden do, on how happy Eden seems. I smiled, and replied with my usual response: Yes, all the time. Her favorite word: "happy." (Eden obliged my comments with saying "happy, happy, happy" as she crawled into her carseat.)

Have I told you the story of Eden's name? We struggled for the entire pregnancy, and even through labor and birth to choose a name. Throughout my pregnancy we prayed. Each night that I prayed I dreamed that I had a little girl, with dark hair, blue eyes, and her name was Eden Mara. I dreamed this over and over. At the time, neither Matt or I really liked the name Eden. I told a close friend, who immediately leaned over to my belly and said "Hello Eden Mara." I laughed it off. Sure enough, the big day came, and out came a dark haired, blue eyed baby girl. I looked at Matt and said "Oh no." I looked at our baby girl, and said "Are you Eden Mara?" The biggest smile you've ever seen stretched across her tiny lips. No crying, just smiling. The room was filled with ahhhs and gasps--many claiming they had never seen a newborn smile. When we came home I looked up the meaning of the name Eden. "Delight" No name could quite encompass her more. She is our delight. Our precious, delight from God.

I think I could write books about my little delight, but she's waking--calmly asking for water (you know, it's wet).