Thursday, July 28, 2011

Random Thoughts

Oh, dear blog. How I long to post my thoughts in some sort of eloquent story. Alas, a list is all I offer:
  • Being a charter school founder and board president pretty much sucks the life out of you.
  • I eat when I am stressed or depressed. A lot.
  • I am both happy & sad about school starting. I'm happy to see all that we've put into this school come alive. I'm happy that I'll have lots of one-on-one time with my baby girl. I'm sad that I won't have that time with my boy, who will now be gone every week day for almost 8 hours a day. *sigh* *weep*
  • My brother & sister-in-law are having a baby boy this December! I am so ecstatically happy for them! Can't wait to start knitting for Josiah Medders!
  • I love having my husband home more. He left Starbucks 6 days ago & it's amazing what difference it made in our home.
  • I am seriously tempted to take all of my money out of the banks & sock it away under the mattress.
  • I love that my daughter can't go to sleep unless I rock or hold her even if for just for a minute.
  • I love that my son wants to completely imitate his father.
  • It's very late & I should be sleeping.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Cold From Hell

We are sick. "We," being Owen, Eden and me. Matt has so far avoided this cold from hell, but from the last call I had with him--I'm not sure that will last.
Despite having this diagnosis of cystic fibrosis, and being told from the time he was 2 months old to prepare for the worst--Owen has rarely struggled with illness.
This time has been different. Incredibly different.
His hacking cough is non-stop. He has been coughing now for 6 days. With tears in his eyes last night, he said to me, "Mom, I don't want to cough anymore." My heart shattered. "I know, baby. I know." I rocked him. "It's okay to cry," I said. He coughs hard. He gags from the mucus and coughs. His neck and throat spasm. Lord, have mercy.
At 1 am on Saturday morning I called Children's hospital. "Trust your instincts," the doc says. "That's why I'm calling you at 1 am," I say.
Midday Sunday I call Children's hospital again. This time he says to try the all-feared cough suppressant. (It is of vital importance that CF kids keep coughing to keep the lungs clear.) If nothing else, it will allow us a night of sleep--something we haven't had in several nights.

Now I sit here, waiting for Matt to come home from a late shift (only to turn around to open tomorrow). Owen took the suppressant, but is still hacking--begging me to let him sleep in my bed. I say, "When daddy gets home, just wait, try to rest, you'll be okay." Lord, have mercy.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

From the mouths of babes

I could dedicate an entire blog simply to the hilarious sayings of Ms. Eden.

Me: "Eden, would you like toast for breakfast?"
E: "Sure, why not."
Me: "Eden, do you want to watch a movie?"
E: "Sure, why not."

Me: "Kids, go make your beds."
O: "We need help."
Me: "No, I've seen you do it before, and you can do a great job."
O: "Okay, but I'm going to help Eden first."
E: "Oh, dear."

E: (singing) "I know you, I walked wit you one a pond a dream. I know you, your eyes are souf america."
E: (singing) "Happy berday to you. Happy berday to you. Happy berday to you. Happy berday all da way."

O: "Crud"
O: "Oh, crud."
O: "This is cracking me out!"

Me: "Eden, should we buy some apples?"
E: "Sure, why not."

At breakfast...
E: "Thank you for making eggs for breakfast, mom."
Me: "You're welcome."
a few seconds later...
E: "Thank you for making toast. And juice. And vitamins...."

While driving...
E: "Mom, God made the snow, right?"
Me: "Yes, Eden."
O: "And the rain?"
Me: "Yes."
...the conversation continued as the children named everything they saw outside. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.

E: (Randomly, in the middle of the grocery store, in her sweetest--albeit tough-guy italian voice) "ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?!"