Monday, February 20, 2012

Does Anyone Blog Anymore?

I went through my list of blogs I follow, or rather I should say blogs I followed. Facebook has pretty much taken over, hasn't it? I miss blogging. I miss writing. Don't get me wrong. I love facebook. Though it feeds into our immediate gratification culture, and while I think that's an overused statement--it's true.
So, what's new with the Cramer family? Well, we finally started that school. You know, the one that consumed nearly every minute of every day and still sorta does? That one. It's going okay. The Principal and I do not see eye to eye on much, and there is some major conflict between us. I hate that, and I wish it were different. I just keep praying. This was God's idea, God's work, and I trust God will resolve what needs to be resolved.
We're in a holding pattern right now. Not really sure "what's next." Matt is the Asst. Principal at the school. I am at home with the kids. Yes, kids--plural. We pulled Owen out of LCS to homeschool once again. It is just right for his needs. We're very happy with this decision.
Both kids have been taking swim lessons since last summer and it is fantastic! They both have serious talent for it, but in different ways.

Matt and I had a close call last week. A drunk driver was right behind us, swerved & ran into a tree. It was amazing that he didn't hit us or kill himself. Emergency vehicles responded in seconds--literally. I don't think a full minute had passed before someone arrived. Four fire trucks, 2 ambulances, and several police cars. It was an awesome sight.
I really should blog more. I guess blogging is SO 2010.