Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Owen & Eden health/growth updates

For those of you that keep track, or want to know:

Owen had his annual check-up a couple weeks ago. He's 36 lbs (90th percentile) & 38" tall (75th+ percentile). He's extemely healthy (lungs/lung function both normal & healthy--PRAISE GOD). We're now doing a new resp. therapy with a "smart vest." It's a vest that has a big tube that hooks up to a machine. It forces air into a bladder that surrounds Owen's lungs & vibrates them. Owen's not so sure of it, and we're struggling a bit to get him used to it.

Eden is 17 lbs 7 oz--85th percentile, and 25" tall (or, should I say short?)--25th percentile. The PA said that if she continues on that curve she might make it to 5'4" (sorry, kiddo--you definitely took your momma's genes on this one). She's also extremely healthy. We've started her on rice cereal a couple times a day, which she's enjoying very much. Soon we'll be adding vegetables & fruits! She's very mobile, considering she's not yet crawling. If I leave the room for even a few seconds she somehow manages to move about 5 feet. I keep trying to sit her up, but she'd much rather be on her belly playing. Her eyes still change daily--though, her left eye tends still to be very blue, but her right eye is more green. Some days Matt swears they're silver, like the scales of a fish that flash various blues and greens amongst other colors. Beautiful, nonetheless.

The two of them are becoming good playmates, though Owen tends to forget that Eden is still quite little. He LOVES to make her laugh, and she loves to imitate his laugh/smile. It's very humorous to watch.

I'll post more photos soon.

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