Owen had so much fun swimming yesterday that he really wanted to go again today. Being that our pennies are limited, I thought I should break out the inflatable pool our neighbor gave us.
Upon opening said pool, we realized that by inflatable it means something (or someone) will have to force air into it (duh). We also discovered that the cap to the valve through which air passes was missing. Hoorah, a challenge, like that's going to stop stubborn me.
I searched everywhere for my hand pump that came with the excercise ball (which, is now my "birthing ball"). I'm thinking I must've left it at a birth at sometime, b/c it's no where to be found.
Matt wanted to throw in the towel (metaphorically speaking--throwing a towel literally into the pool would not have helped our situation at all), but I wasn't giving up (especially b/c Owen was hoping around the backyard screaming "Oh, boy! Oh, BOY!")
I grabbed my blow dryer & ran to the backyard. Okay, this worked, but now how do we keep the air in without a valve cover.
I yelled to Matt "TAPE." He didn't budge. "Seriously, hon, go get some tape." After a short discussion on whether or not the physics of tape and high pressure air where really going to work, and me INSISTING IT HAD TO, Matt went and got tape.
Meanwhile, I commenced orally blowing up all the little sections of this inflatable pool. (It has a little water slide, a smaller wading pool within the pool, and a palm tree sprinkler.)
After a lot of deep breathing, and 3 pieces of packing tape, our pool is functioning. Owen filled it with water & ran for his swim trunks.
After awhile of being in the pool, Owen declared that he wanted to take of his trunks--I kid you not. If you haven't been to our house (shame on you--we have an annual open house chili party in October--get it on your calendar now), the backyard is pretty much open to a large green belt and several other neighbors' backyards. So, basically, anyone & everyone can see what's happening in the Cramer's backyard.
Before I had a second to reason with my 3-year old (like that ever works), his trunks were off, and he was squealing with delight (and how cold the water was on his bare bum).
Of course, I took video, but I love my boy too much to post those videos online (no, no, I'll save those for the future girlfriends).
He came inside after a grand time of playing in the nude in the pool, but continued to streak his bare bum around the house for the remainder of the morning & through lunch (pb & honey must just taste better naked). We did have a long talk about how it's okay to be naked at home, when it's just us, but his trunks are to stay on when at the city pool.
Just before nap time my two kiddos decided it was time to wrestle with their momma. Owen (still naked) pounced upon my belly--which, some of you know, makes me giggle uncontrollably. Eden thought she should get in on the action, & crawled over. She proceeded to play pat-a-cake with my face while Owen bounced. This, and more (imagine me flat on my tummy, hair sprawled everywhere, while two giggling babes swish my hair around and blow raspberries on my back) continued for quite some time. I remember thinking I wish I had a picture of this, but alas, I was having too much fun to stop & grab a camera.
During this attack on my, I also hollered for salvation from my dear loving husband, but where was he? Enjoying a nice, hot, quiet shower. He just doesn't know what he's missing.
Okay, so photos. Not going to show nude photos of my baby boy, and didn't take photos during the mommy-attack, so these will have to suffice:
The aforementioned inflatable pool:

Me--after a great morning with my kiddos: