Friday, July 18, 2008

Day 12: Take A Moment

I need to take a moment and thank many of you who have been caring for us recently. So many of you have sent gifts, helped with the kids, or taken care of our needs in some way.
We are so thankful to have friends and family like you.
I am in awe at how even those we know who face similar financial struggle have poured out abundantly on us to make sure we're okay--that just amazes me. It reminds me of Jesus' life and parables--how the least of people and poorest gave all that they had.
It's easy to get caught up in the woes of this world, and it seems sometimes that the majority of people don't live the life God called us to. We've had hard times in our life before where we really learned to rely and trust in God. This time it's gone beyond that, and I'm learning to trust in God's people.
I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God.

(By the way, to the "garden gnomes" who sneaked into our yard while we were gone, and cleaned & cared for our garden & lawn: I know who you are, and I love and appreciate you. :)

So, today:
  • Grandma Diane visited with Emerson. The boys played outside with bubbles, while Eden and I took a little trip to Target.
  • B&N called me today, and I have an interview for a part-time job tomorrow.
  • Matt was home for a whopping hour and a half today--enough time to enjoy dinner together. Tonight is opening night for All Shook Up. Thankfully, that means Matt will be home before midnight (here's hoping). At least rehearsals are over & next week will be somewhat less chaotic.
  • I took a nearly 2 hour nap! (This RARELY gets to happen, and this week it was more than necessary.)
  • Didn't take any pictures today, but I'll make it up to you tomorrow.


Rose said...

B&N sounds great! Good luck!

kai said...

Yaaaaay Barnes and Noble! Is it the one in Fort Collins? I really liked the people there. Granted this was over a year and a half ago, but at least a year and a half ago there were some pretty cool people on staff.