- Any time a political ad or news story comes on the television Owen gets very excited, and starts shouting "McCain, McCain, McCain!" He doesn't seem so excited about Obama. I have no idea why my son has these political preferences--we haven't talked with him directly about the election (afterall, he is only 3). I haven't shared with him who I plan on voting for, but it's apparent his decision is made up.
- Matt's home after an exhausting, and physically draining trip. He had a great time, but says he'll never do that climb again. He was home for a few hours, and then had to go to work. It's been 4 straight days of no husband/dad for dinner & bedtime hours. Two nights of sleeping alone. Yeah, it could be worse, but I'm not used to it & I haven't slept very much in the last couple days.
- Aunt Billie and cousin Emerson spent the day with us on Saturday. Emerson is already bigger than Eden, but he is SUCH a cutie! Eden and Emerson had a lot of fun staring at each other, poking each other, and chewing on each other's toys.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Another list because I'm tired
More random thoughts.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Random List of Thoughts
- Matt leaving for annual "guys-only" trip today.
- Made granola bars that are super-healthy for CF kids, and great for rock-climbing hubbies too. (Owen approved, and is currently gobbling it up.)
- Obsessed with www.thepioneerwoman.com --wish I could remember to take pretty pictures while cooking like she does & post my recipes.
- Eden now has two pearly whites, and LOVES chomping on cheerios.
- Owen will spend hours swinging from the clips we hung from the porch rafters (see videos below). Thank heaven Matt set that up before leaving for his trip.
- Hoping to get some projects done this weekend. We'll see how it goes.
- Starting a new Bible study at my home for moms.
- Totally excited about Sarah Palin being named VP running mate for McCain.
- Planning on a movie date night with Owen tonight. Cookies and cartoons HOORAY!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
New Look
A friend led me to www.thecutestblogontheblock.com for free blog backgrounds, and I found this one. What do you think? I'm jazzed about it!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Week In Review
Wow. This was one of those weeks that just blew by. We've been busy preparing for next week--the start of the fall semester (meaning Matt's music studio nearly doubles).
We started homeschooling Owen this week. Owen and I have preschool classes together two or three days a week for 20-30 minutes. This week we learned big "A" and little "a," and we studied the color red. It was fun, but REALLY hard--for me. For the first day I just didn't feel like I was accomplishing anything, and Owen just didn't seem interested. However, when Matt came home, Owen proudly showed his daddy what he had learned. So, I'm adjusting my expectations, and that's helping a lot.
Owen had his last swim lesson, and I wish I had gone with them. Matt reported that after the lesson was over the instructors allowed them to go down the huge waterslide--and Owen loved it! Can't believe I missed that picture!
Owen also got a "big" bike this week. I found a great deal on Craig's list. Owen now has "bike school" with daddy a few nights each week. He's quickly learning to pedal on his own. He's a little wary of the big bike, so we've been practicing on his trike:
Eden, oh, Eden. That girl is into everything. We have to do Owen's lessons when she's sleeping, or we get nothing done. She's letting go of holding on to things while she stands, and standing on her own for 3-5 seconds. We learned this week that she also can stand in her highchair--yep, that was a freak out moment for mom. Her little tooth is becoming predominant. It's adorable, and I'm thinking it might have a friend coming in very soon too.
She also learned her first sign today--"All done!" Yeah, Eden! I was busting with excitement. She also said "ah dah" at the same time! Check it out:
Seconds later I was crushed when I realized my baby had just taken a major step from being an infant to becoming a kiddo. *sniff*
Monday, August 18, 2008
9 months old
Sunday marked Eden's 9th month outside my womb. *Sigh*

I got this idea from my friend Rose.
Nine things I love about my baby girl (in no particular order):
9. An amazing smile and delightful giggle that cures any sadness from any room
8. Her eyes that twinkle (especially when she smiles)
7. Eden is "gifted" ;) at blowing raspberries
6. The look in her eyes when her "da" walks into the room. They've had a special bond since the first day, and though sometimes I feel left out--mainly, I'm very happy she's her daddy's girl.
5. She is scrappy. No matter the obstacle, she is determined to overcome it (or him--meaning Owen).
4. The way she cuddles and clings to me. Sure, some days I wish she would like to be held more by someone else, but truly I LOVE having a baby want and need her mama so much.
3. Her jabber. What a talker we have! You should hear Owen & Eden converse as we drive around town. Their special "talk" always ends up in giggles (and subsequent raspberry-blowing contests).
2. Her chubby little legs
1. Her sweet voice--nothing is more precious than when she says "mama"
Saturday, August 16, 2008
This Week In Photos
Here's a collection of photos from this week:
This is why little boys shouldn't wake up at 4:30 a.m.
How we pass the time on rainy Thursdays: laundry basket rides.
Eden discovered this week that milk comes out of something other than her mommy's boob. You can't tell from this picture, but she was quite delighted.
It rained and poured Friday and Saturday. That didn't stop (in fact, it encouraged) our little man from going outside.
Friday, August 15, 2008
What a good big brother
I know I'll never have to worry about Eden going hungry.
Just now the two of them were being very quiet--obviously meaning they were up to something. I found the two of them sitting in front of the screen door looking at the rain outside. I came in closer to find Owen had made himself a bowl of cereal and was feeding it to Eden.
What a good big brother.
Just now the two of them were being very quiet--obviously meaning they were up to something. I found the two of them sitting in front of the screen door looking at the rain outside. I came in closer to find Owen had made himself a bowl of cereal and was feeding it to Eden.
What a good big brother.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
This One Is for Tracy
We love our sprinkler, Tracy! Thank you!!
(It's hard to tell in the video, but the sprinkler is shooting water in every direction.)
Oh, Eden.
Eden Mara Cramer. 
What else has this hard-headed beauty been up to? Well, she cut her first tooth, and I can firmly attest to that it is RAZOR sharp.
I find I'm saying that quite often these days. My little girl...oh my little girl. She's scrappy, adventurous, and determined. We call her trouble, and now I'm thinking "Bruiser" would be a good fit too.
See that brown lump on her forehead? That's the goose-egg bruise she got on Wednesday (after the swelling had gone down a bit).
She's not even 9 months old, folks, and this girl is DETERMINED to start walking--never-mind solid wood table legs that seem to get in her way.
She has little bruises all over her head and body from other minor bumps, slips and falls, and I thought for sure this one would slow her down. I think she cried and hollered for a whopping 8 seconds. I put ice on it, but she squirmed & wiggled out of my arms, back on the floor, where she attempted to stand up on her own yet again.
What else has this hard-headed beauty been up to? Well, she cut her first tooth, and I can firmly attest to that it is RAZOR sharp.
She likes to spend quality time in the plastic-ware cupboard daily.
(Meaning I get to reorganize & clean it daily.)
Yesterday evening Owen requested to watch a train movie on my computer (b/c I was watching the Olympic opening ceremonies--apparently a big yawner for 3 year olds).
I had just diapered Eden after a bath, and went to help him put on the video. SECONDS later I came back to living room where I had left her & she's gone! No where in sight. I circled the couch, went through the kitchen and dining room--all the while calling her name louder and louder. I peeked in the laundry room, and then saw her--she had made it from the living room to her brother's room, and was coming back out looking at me with a look of "What?"--all innocent like. I swooped her up & gave her a good scolding on never scaring mommy like that again. She smiled. (Oh, am I in trouble.)
Eden puts everything in her mouth, and can find anything small and unsafe to chew on. Owen basically did the same thing, but he didn't have an older sibling with a bad habit of leaving potentially dangerous things in baby's reach. Today we found the top of a click-pen in her mouth (metal, about the size of a small screw). A few days ago--a guitar pick. I spend every day swiping her, now sharp, gums.
My favorite thing she does, and this is golden--when I catch her doing something SHE knows she's not supposed to be doing she jumps and quickly trys to "run" away with whatever object she has in her hot little hands. We don't call her Trouble (now with a capital "T") for nothing!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Day 29 & 30: And now a final word
I have no idea what happened yesterday. I thought I had blogged. Boy, am I glad this 30 days is over. I truly believe you should only blog when you really have something to say.
Which, I do.
This posting comes with a warning: DO NOT assume that this pertains to you.
We've had so many friends and family members encourage us during this "rough spot," and we appreciate it. However, I need to say something. This comes from conversation after conversation with friends who are desperately trying to cheer me up, encourage me, or somehow make it better with words.
It feels like we're in a boat that's taking on water, and we are going to drown. Friends who send off words of encouragement like "you did the right thing," "have patience," "trust God--it will work out," or similar phrases, are like people standing on the shore waving to us & smiling. You might have a different perspective standing on your safe shore, but think for a moment how we're feeling in this boat. Would you want the person on shore just smiling & waving? Or, are you screaming desperately for rescue?
If you don't have the solution, and you're not willing or unable to send a life line, or have never been in this boat--please stop trying to "fix it" with your words. It's not helping. Rather, the best thing to say would be--I'm here if you need someone.
We've reached a point where we're even sick of telling people how we're doing. It seems like life is full of dread and worry, and that's not who we are. I told Matt today that we need to have a "God is good" party. We're not yet sure what that looks like, but I'm sure it involves bacon.
Which, I do.
This posting comes with a warning: DO NOT assume that this pertains to you.
We've had so many friends and family members encourage us during this "rough spot," and we appreciate it. However, I need to say something. This comes from conversation after conversation with friends who are desperately trying to cheer me up, encourage me, or somehow make it better with words.
It feels like we're in a boat that's taking on water, and we are going to drown. Friends who send off words of encouragement like "you did the right thing," "have patience," "trust God--it will work out," or similar phrases, are like people standing on the shore waving to us & smiling. You might have a different perspective standing on your safe shore, but think for a moment how we're feeling in this boat. Would you want the person on shore just smiling & waving? Or, are you screaming desperately for rescue?
If you don't have the solution, and you're not willing or unable to send a life line, or have never been in this boat--please stop trying to "fix it" with your words. It's not helping. Rather, the best thing to say would be--I'm here if you need someone.
We've reached a point where we're even sick of telling people how we're doing. It seems like life is full of dread and worry, and that's not who we are. I told Matt today that we need to have a "God is good" party. We're not yet sure what that looks like, but I'm sure it involves bacon.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Day 28: It's Raining On Sunday
I love the rain. We had a warm summer rain this afternoon, and I enjoyed just standing at the back door taking in the fantastic smell of the rain.
Today was a wonderful day, praising God, time as a family, a nap (a reason alone to rejoice), and fellowship with amazing friends that I'm so thankful to have in our lives.
Thank you to our dear friends tonight, for loving on us, praying with us, encouraging us, being honest and caring at the same time, and sharing your wisdom. I am so thankful God brought you back into our lives, and if this current struggle was necessary for that to happen--it has been well worth it.
Kiddo Report:
After several hours of play with our friend's kids Owen's language skills were sharpened dramatically. He actually repeated his prayers with his daddy! Nothing is more precious than hearing your child pray to God.
Eden is saying "mama" more often now, and I think my heart grows two sizes each time I hear her. She also has a fantastic time blowing raspberries. (Not so fantastic when she blows WHILE eating--mushed pea shower, anyone?)
Today was a wonderful day, praising God, time as a family, a nap (a reason alone to rejoice), and fellowship with amazing friends that I'm so thankful to have in our lives.
Thank you to our dear friends tonight, for loving on us, praying with us, encouraging us, being honest and caring at the same time, and sharing your wisdom. I am so thankful God brought you back into our lives, and if this current struggle was necessary for that to happen--it has been well worth it.
Kiddo Report:
After several hours of play with our friend's kids Owen's language skills were sharpened dramatically. He actually repeated his prayers with his daddy! Nothing is more precious than hearing your child pray to God.
Eden is saying "mama" more often now, and I think my heart grows two sizes each time I hear her. She also has a fantastic time blowing raspberries. (Not so fantastic when she blows WHILE eating--mushed pea shower, anyone?)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Day 27: Wow, I've Got a Lot to Say
Whew! What a day.

Yesterday evening we realized we were low on Owen's pancreatic enzymes (required for his digestion). We placed an order, but found out this morning we wouldn't be able to get them until Monday. Not good.
So, today I called nearly every pharmacy in town. I was getting rather panicked that we wouldn't be able to find any (most pharmacies do not carry CF pancreatic enzymes), and he'd have to go an entire day without them.
Finally, I found one pharmacy that had some (not enough to fill the prescription, but enough to get us by). I had also called a friend who has a daughter with CF, and she said she could spot us some too. Turns out the reason this pharmacy even has any in-stock is because my friend has her prescription filled there.
Matt was able to pick up the prescription on his dinner break, and we'll be covered until his regular prescription comes.
Matt was able to pick up the prescription on his dinner break, and we'll be covered until his regular prescription comes.
Eden discovered the cupboard where I store the plastic-ware. She was overjoyed, especially when she found the sippy lids--which were like big pacifiers. She absolutely LOVES her plug (our name for the pacifier). She has loved it since early on, and it is by far her most favorite thing. Of course, anything that resembles a plug also good for entertainment. She is our "non-nutrient sucker." (That's what the book calls it.) We just call her trouble. In fact, I've called her trouble so much that Owen often calls her trouble too, and she responds when we call her trouble. Uh, oh.
I am amazed at how much Owen can say, and how quickly he learns things lately. He recognizes most letters, and we're trying to work on numbers and colors. We plan to start homeschooling this fall with him (just basic preschool work). It won't be too intense--just a couple days for half an hour or so to get him prepared for kindergarten.
Since he likes being near me when I work, I'm going to prepare an area near my desk for him to do his school work. He has a table & chairs, and we have a cork board to display his projects. I've found curriculum that incorporate biblical studies into every day learning. Who knew the ABC's worked so well with the gospels? Of course, anything that I can tie into trains will be especially effective.
Speaking of which, we visited the county fair yesterday to see the model trains. Owen was so excited that I almost didn't pick up on the little dance he was doing as a potty dance. I had to drag him kicking and screaming to the bath room (literally--he was screaming "NO POTTY, MOM, NO PEE."). As soon as I put him on the toilet he peed and peed and peed and peed. After washing his hands he bolted back to the trains with me hollering behind "WALK!" To which he immediately stopped running, but instead tip-toed at high speed. I picked up a free magazine on model trains, and he has spent many minutes (3-year-olds don't spend hours yet) scouring the pages.
He also preached his first sermon today. He perched himself on the arm of the couch and went on and on quite animatedly. I asked what on earth Owen could be talking about, to which Matt replied "Politics, war, and religion. Those are the only things people get that fired up about." Of course, when I got out the camera--he just acted goofy:
Friday, August 1, 2008
Day 26: It's HOT
It's hot, hot, hot. If you're watching the news you might have heard that we're having a hot streak here. More than 20 days over 90 degrees, and the last couple days have been over 100. 

We've been staying indoors during the worst part of the day, but early this morning it was nice & we played outside in our pajamas. (Better than naked, right?)
Our tomatoes are really taking off, and we have 3 baby pumpkins that are just beautiful. I'm really excited about the jalapenos, and soon we'll have potatoes and onions too. Not sure what to think of our pineapple. We've never seen one grow before, so we're not sure if it's going to make it. Our black raspberry plant is done for the year, but now the red raspberries are coming on. Unfortunately, we have a very territorial bee (or maybe bees) that don't let us get too close. Hmph! :( (That's me sulking.)
We also have lots and lots of zucchini, and we're incorporating it into almost everything: spaghetti, salad, burgers, bread, and pancakes. Matt made cinnamon-zucchini pancakes that are now my FAVORITE.
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