We started homeschooling Owen this week. Owen and I have preschool classes together two or three days a week for 20-30 minutes. This week we learned big "A" and little "a," and we studied the color red. It was fun, but REALLY hard--for me. For the first day I just didn't feel like I was accomplishing anything, and Owen just didn't seem interested. However, when Matt came home, Owen proudly showed his daddy what he had learned. So, I'm adjusting my expectations, and that's helping a lot.
Owen had his last swim lesson, and I wish I had gone with them. Matt reported that after the lesson was over the instructors allowed them to go down the huge waterslide--and Owen loved it! Can't believe I missed that picture!
Owen also got a "big" bike this week. I found a great deal on Craig's list. Owen now has "bike school" with daddy a few nights each week. He's quickly learning to pedal on his own. He's a little wary of the big bike, so we've been practicing on his trike:
Eden, oh, Eden. That girl is into everything. We have to do Owen's lessons when she's sleeping, or we get nothing done. She's letting go of holding on to things while she stands, and standing on her own for 3-5 seconds. We learned this week that she also can stand in her highchair--yep, that was a freak out moment for mom. Her little tooth is becoming predominant. It's adorable, and I'm thinking it might have a friend coming in very soon too.
She also learned her first sign today--"All done!" Yeah, Eden! I was busting with excitement. She also said "ah dah" at the same time! Check it out:
Seconds later I was crushed when I realized my baby had just taken a major step from being an infant to becoming a kiddo. *sniff*
Those videos are precious. Love you!
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