On Sunday Eden put her bib on backwards all by herself, and then put on my camera case. She marched around the house "talking" and babbling, and every so often giving out a very serious shout.
Shortly after this, Owen & Eden took all the cushions off the couch, and starting jumping off the couch onto the cushions on the floor. I was washing dishes at the time, and realized that there was a significant amount of laughter and "thumping" going on. I walked in to see Owen flipping Eden head first off the couch (basically doing a somersault from the couch to the floor). I gasped. She laughed hysterically. I asked Owen to please not break his sister's neck. He said "Yes, momma."
This has been going on for some time, but I keep forgetting to post about it. During breakfast, after I've assisted Owen with pouring his cereal and milk (everything now is "Owen do it, mom"), Owen insists on "reading" the cereal box and milk container. This is something he learned from watching his daddy. Today, he was blabbering on, and after a minute or so I realized he ACTUALLY WAS READING out loud. He was reading all the numbers on the milk carton nutrition panel. No, he wasn't saying "one-hundred and twenty-five grams," but he did say "Look mom, five!" and "See, mom? Two." Yes, that's my boy!!!! However, at one point I asked him what number he saw on the front, and he said "Cow. Happy." True, there is a smiling cow on the front of the container.
Is this the same couch that was untouchable before children? It is amazing what God can do with children. (Make us see how a couch is truly used!) ;)
Wonder Woman strikes again! Although, isn't this would be more like Underdogget?
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