Have you met Bob?
After a night or two, it was obvious that Owen had adopted this sheep as his comfort item. Owen wasn't even two years old when he started asking for "Baahb." We had no idea what he was talking about. He cried and cried, pleading for "Baaaaahhhhhb." After pointing at everything in the house, it finally became clear who "Bob" was. A day or two later we understood how Bob got his name. Owen's favorite book was "Moo, Baa, La La La" by Sandra Boynton. "A sheep says Baa..."
After Bob was showing signs of being loved, we thought it prudent to buy a "back-up" Bob. No easy task. Matt finally found one on Ebay. We got it, and hid it. Not very well though, because Owen found back-up Bob. Owen named him "Bobbie." Seriously.
Not like Owen though:
We even got her a fuzzy, Bob-like bunny for her birthday:
(photo by Owen)
Owen MUST have Bobbie, but has generously shared Original Bob with Eden. Not at bedtime or naptime though, OH HEAVENS NO. During playtime the two of them walk around with the Bobs having a blast. If Eden is hurt or starts to cry for any reason, Owen runs in with Original Bob to soothe his sister's heart. It's stinking precious.
Movie night with Bob and Bobbie:
There has been a Bob in this family for many years. A jeep by the name of Bob...Beast of Burden. Took on many a rugged road in Alaska. There is just something special about Bob. (Sounds like a great name for a movie.)
This is one of the cutest things ever! Love this post! We love Moo, Baa, Lalala too!
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