As the scratchy-faced one left, she heard a cry from the brother. Well, if he's getting up, then I want up too!
This time the milk provider came. Eden was retrieved from her slumber fortress and transported to the sofa. A nice breakfast and a journey to the foreign "backyard" land were all she could take. A rest is what she needs, but not before a visit to the porcelain throne room.
"I am big enough," she thought to herself. "I do not need the milk provider to pluck me from this throne. I shall leap to floor." She lurched forward, but alas, she swan dived into the floor. Ouch. That's gonna leave a mark.Thankfully, the milk provider is also very comforting in these moments.
After a peaceful rest, she again awoke to the noises of the brother. Again it was time to venture outside where it was warm and sunny. She assisted the milk provider in the application of water to grassy areas, careful to avoid getting wet. It was all for naught, though. The brother eventually found ways of hosing her down.
"Never fear," she thought. "A quick cry to the milk provider, and I shall be dry again."
After receiving her dry clothes, Eden realized her belly was once again rumbling. This time the milk provider was well aware and preparing for lunch.
The brother, now also extremely wet, distracts the milk provider long enough for Eden to reach great lengths and hoist the pureed veggies from their resting spot.
"I am big enough. I can feed myself," she thought.
(Please note bruise on center of forehead.)
After this, Eden played in shaving foam (cheap entertainment, folks), had a bath, and is now resisting nap time. Ahhhhh, what a day!

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