Just in the last week Owen has poured an entire bottle of shampoo on his sister's head, thrown the puppy by the collar, colored in reading books, and poured out a full bottle of expensive hand soap--this is all in addition to his "normal" misbehavior.
Eden is no saint either--she took ALL of the wet wipes out of the container, assisted her brother in the coloring of books, colored on the entryway floor and wall....
Seriously, I haven't been this angry in a long time. I feel like I'm yelling A LOT. It doesn't help that I'm getting very little sleep, and have ZERO energy. My chest, heart, and lungs seem tight and sore.
Both kids are currently taking a "time out" in their beds, so that I can cool it.
I want to come home, and have 5 seconds without crying kids to at least set down my things and take off my shoes. Please? Can we just get through lunch without smearing our food through our hair, or getting covered with peanut butter? Seriously, am I asking too much? I'm so tired of being tired. I'm in desperate need to simplify life, and get some SLEEP!
So so sorry my dear. Being a mom is HARD and seems to require so much.
Although I've had enough and all I've done is clean the kitchen twice, alone, fold 2 loads of laundry, bathe and bed the baby and pick up around the house.
It's just hard being a mom!
I'm just now seeing this post, but I hope you're getting a little more rest this week! It's crazy how volatile my emotions can be when I'm over-tired. It's like I'm a different person. You're a great mom. Maybe in 3 years they will both sit quietly at the dinner table without smearing peanut butter in their hair and clean their own dishes afterwards..... ??
yeah right. :)
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