As Owen left for school today with Matt, he kissed his sister and said "Be a good girl for mommy."
Eden and I enjoyed some girl time. Meaning I waxed my legs. She observed, with the comments "Momma hurt?" and "Momma, ouch?" She's learning early what it means to suffer for beauty.
After our shower, I attempted to clip her nails, and push back her cuticles that seem to cover her nail. She squirmed and yelped at me, until I offered a prize: painted nails! Ooolala! That girl sat calmly as I clipped, pushed, and painted her little finger nails a lovely shade of pink.
Where have I heard this before? Owen desperately pleaded with me for more money. More money? What's wrong with the dollar in your wallet? No, momma, like Eden's. Oh, you want coins. Okay, there are two quarters on my desk. -More sadness- No, I need more like Eden. See, one, two, three, four. (He counts Eden's four PENNIES.) Owen, you have a dollar and two quarters. You have MORE than Eden. No, momma, it's only two-see, one, two. Oh, son, you have much to learn.
I'd like to nominate my husband for saint-hood. The past two days, and even today, he has cared for me unlike ever before, as well as care for the kids in addition to his already heavy load. This afternoon he made dinner before leaving for his closing shift. All I have to do is warm & serve!
Having dinner crossed off my list, allowed me to start the holiday baking--WAIT A MINUTE--maybe that's what Matt was hoping for, as I was making HIS favorite holiday cookie. Hmmmmmmm.....
Who cares? It also allowed me to get some work done, and BLOG! Oh, how I miss blogging. Darn you facebook. You suck my time, you pull me away from writing, but--alas, without you I would again feel so isolated and lonely (especially in winter months when play dates are few and far between).
We ran out of brown sugar while baking. I told the kids we'd have to wait (Matt offered & ran to the store for the sugar---hmmmm saint or cookie lover?). Owen says to Eden: "Wanna go jump on my bed?" Eden: "YES!" Off they went. No longer interested in baking.
At nap time, Owen asks "Please take this down, momma. I won't fall. See, I scoot over here." He wants the railing removed from his bed. Past experience on this has meant Owen ends up on the floor dazed and confused. "Mom, I bigger now. See, I scoot way over here." (He puts himself on the far side of the bed away from the edge. Okay, my little man, I accept that you are growing up. I took the railing down with only a slight twinge in my heart as he takes another step in independence.
Then, I quickly rethink it, as I tell him not once, but twice to get. back. in. BED!
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