Last night, in a cruel and calculated effort, I was voted off the LCS school board. Prior to this meeting, and for the last 8 months, the Principal and I had been at odds. Conflict was never resolved despite any effort I put forth to do so.
Each time I spoke out in meetings, in an attempt to hold the Principal accountable for actions he had taken that I believed to be unjust or against policy--I was silenced and then Matt was retaliated on at work until Matt was finally fired.
At last night's board meeting, the board president (and my co-founder of the school) re-instated a 7th board member who had recently resigned (her pastor). Up until this point the board was divided 3/3. By bringing this member on literally the night before, she had the 4 votes necessary to vote me off.
Wednesday night I sent an e-mail to board members calling for a school re-structure or for Mr. Yu's resignation due to his lack of school business leadership. A warped, twisted opinion of that e-mail was spread across the school to staff and parents. Several parents and teachers took the public comment time at the board meeting to go beyond sharing their displeasure, but to viciously attack me. None of these people actually contacted me to learn the truth, I didn't even really know most of them. One referred to me as the "cancer needing to be cut out." It was one of the worst experiences of my life, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
I offered to meet with board members to address their issues, but it was clear they were out for blood. Two members were vindictive to say the least. Two were too coward to do anything, but what they were told. The remaining two stood by my side.
I am heartbroken, and incredibly sad for LCS. Personally, I am trying to reconcile two years of sacrifice, two years of lost time with my family, with the atrocities that have occurred in less than a month.
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