For a variety of reasons, none of which I plan to share on the interwebs, I decided it was time to cleanse out my body. This is coming in the form of a herbal d-tox:
Followed by a parasite cleanse:
This will take a total of 47 days. Being that we have a couple holidays and birthday during these days, we'll have 3 days that we won't be AS strict as most days. Today is the first day of the herbal d-tox, and it really wasn't bad. Earlier this year I did the Whole 30, though not a cleanse per say, it was a good experience. It mainly opened my eyes to how truly addicted to sugar I am (as well as my kids and husband).
My main goal is to continue my effort to break the sugar addiction (the kids will be doing the paragone for kids). I'll be blogging the experience, mainly to share the meals. Proving to myself and doubters out there, that you can eat delicious, easy-to-make, kid-approved meals that are free from sugar (and gluten and dairy).
Day One Menu
breakfast: scrambled eggs with spinach, tomatoes, and basil
lunch: vegetable soup
dinner: stuffed acorn squash (roasted acorn squash stuffed with quinoa, ground beef, onions, pecans, and dried cherries--no added sugar)
Feel free to comment if you'd like recipes.
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