Saturday, December 15, 2012

Better From Me

As yesterday's horrifying news was constantly berating us, I wondered how much was getting through to my kids. I made a point to keep the TV off, but after "muting" the radio for the 100th time my intuitive 7yo son asked, "Mom, why do you keep turning down the radio?" I swallowed hard and debated on how to answer. I wanted to be truthful, but I wasn't sure exactly what to say.

"They're talking about something that I don't think you should hear about right now."

Of course, this led to a barrage of questions, and now his sister's curiosity was peaked too. I thought then that it would be much better to hear from me what had happened, then to get it from another child or adult, or heaven forbid--from the media.

With carefully chosen words, I explained that a young man with evil in his heart shot and killed some kids in a state far away. This young man also killed some teachers and himself. I kept it to a bare minimum, and avoided any extra adjectives or details.

My childrens' responses are so very telling of their personalities:

The Little Man: "Well, it will be okay, because God will bring them back to life."
Mini Maven: "Well, if anybody tries to do that to us, we'll punch him in the face!"

After telling my daughter that sticking around to punch someone who has a loaded weapon isn't the wisest of choices, I explained to them that if they have fears or worries over what happened (or if they want to talk at all about this) that they need to do that with Mom or Dad only. I helped them understand that a lot of kids don't know what happened and it might be scary to hear. Of course, I also reminded them that I protect them, and they are surrounded by people that love them very much.

My heart aches for the moms in Newtown. I grieve the hero teachers and staff that put their students' lives above their own. My parents are teachers. My friends are teachers. Those kids are the same age as mine. Lord, come quickly.

Talk to your kids. Tell them you love them. Most importantly, tell them how Jesus loves them. I say over and over, if it is the only thing I accomplish as a mother--that my children KNOW that Jesus loves them--I have succeeded. If Jesus is filling their hearts--then evil cannot.

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