Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day Off

I'm taking the day off. Mom's don't get days off, but I'm rejecting that notion today. I'm not sick (though, I'm fighting a headache and general tired/not feeling so great). I just want a day off.

Here's how a day off works for momma:

1. MY schedule. Most of my days revolve around the schedules of others. Today--we eat when I want to eat, get dressed when I want to get dressed, work when I want to work, and so on. Don't like it? Find your own food. My kids are thankfully now old enough to feed themselves.

2. FREE from worry/guilt/pressure to perform. Most days I do everything because I should. Because it's good for me/us/the world. Not always because I want to. (Before you get all holy-than-thou, I do take joy in my work, but we all need a break sometimes.) Guess what--today, it's only if I want to. Workout? If and when I feel like it. Eat something not-so-perfectly healthy? Yeah, maybe. I'm giving myself permission to do whatever, whenever, and not think twice about it.

3. DO something I don't usually get to do. Or several somethings, if I choose to. I'm going to hang out with some girlfriends today at my favorite restaurant. I'd really like to start a couple knitting projects and get lights on the tree. We'll see.

 Basically, there is no to-do list today. There is no schedule. I'm going to hang out with my kids, without hurrying.

 In other news: I really love Food Network. It may be all I do today.

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