Monday, April 14, 2008

My first day

Hooray! Spring is here! It's sunny AND warm outside (for a change). Owen has been outside the majority of the day--even got a bit red.
Eden is even more smiley today (if that's possible, and if "smiley" is actually a word).

What a great way to start my "first day" as stay-at-home mom!

I chose to "take it easy" for the first few days, to adjust to my new role. I can't believe though, how much I've gotten done, and how much energy I have. It's time to make dinner, and for a change--it doesn't sound like a daunting, "I just don't have the time/energy/desire" task.

I've cleaned, ran around outside with Owen, even done a bit of freelancing work I took on. I actually still have energy. Just hope it lasts until Matt gets home--maybe we can actually finish a conversation without falling asleep! That would be so awesome!

He's cracking me up though--the last two days he keeps forgetting that I'm home now. He doesn't have to think about cleaning house or cooking dinner (something we shared while I was working). I've got it taken care of--he just needs to work, and enjoy being with his family. I just smile at him when he gets that "Oh, yeah" look on his face. It looks more like relief. I think we're both a lot more relaxed now--which is really exciting.

Sure, we have NO idea where the money is going to come from to compensate for the 3/4 of our income that we just gave up. We don't know how exactly the bills will get paid in the coming months, but for once--neither of us feels panicked or worried. Weird?

More money=more stress
Less money=less stress
Never thought of it that way.

I'm transcribing interviews with pastors for an editor that I know. The current one is talking a lot about sacrifice--giving up the comforts you could have, so that others benefit. Wow--that's speaking volumes to me right now.

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