Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Forget That We're Not Normal

This Wednesday (May 29) Owen will have his 4th annual CF check-up. We journey to Denver about 4 times a year for quick check-ups, but the annual is a major ordeal. Owen will have several chest x-rays (we've been told that soon he'll have regular CT scans instead), blood work, throat cultures, and we'll visit with nurses, doctors, respiratory therapists, nutritionists, and a social worker.
This year the CF Center was kind enough to arrange x-rays and blood work here in Loveland to shorten our time in Denver. However, we've added something new this year: surgery consult.
A couple years ago, Owen started having issues with rectal prolapse. Recently it has become a bigger problem, and we're looking at possibly having to do surgery.
I'm praying for an alternative, less invasive, solution.

As always, we ask for your prayers for his health--and God continues to keep Owen exceptionally healthy. This time around, we ask specifically for this surgery consult and a safe solution.

Oh, and if you're wondering about the title of this post--I was writing out our schedule for the week, and as I wrote "surgery consult" onto the calendar, my heart skipped a beat. We've become somewhat accustomed to the nuances of life with CF, and I forget that surgery consultations for 4 year olds isn't typically part of most people's lives. I realized I needed to ask for prayers and pray myself before doing anything else.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Silly Owen

A few nights ago I was watching t.v. while Owen played trains in the living room. The most recent Volkswagen commercial came on (Meet the Volkswagens). Owen stopped playing to watch. After it was done he shook his head, laughed, and said, "Hehe, talking cars, hehe." He went back to playing trains.

Today I told Owen to go help his daddy make lunch. Owen said, "Okay, mom, chill out."

Lately whenever I give Owen the "you're treading on thin ice, buddy" look--Owen smiles his huge smile (with crinkly eyes that make my heart melt), and says "Haha, silwee Owen. Silwee, silwee. Haha."

Monday, May 18, 2009

Another photo catch-up

This is the type of thing I find Owen doing when I'm working. He said he was "cleanin' the cooker to make dinner."

Pay no attention to that crack in the background. Just the cutie, "rockstar" posing in front.
We Cramer's like to play in the dirt.

She picked this suit out herself. Oh how I wish this one didn't come out so blurry.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Random Kid Tales

Yesterday I taught an all-day childbirth class. My co-teacher brought her kids over. Her oldest, Emma, said to me "You know, sometimes I just don't understand Owen." I'm sure she was referring to his language skills, but I laughed and said "Sometimes I don't understand him either."
Later that evening I told Matt that story. He laughed and told me that explained what he overheard that afternoon. Emma said to Owen, "Sometimes your mom doesn't understand you." In true Owen form, he responded by slapping his hands to the sides of his head & ran off.

Eden is really maturing and understands more than I give her credit for, and it shows when she's in need of correction. When I use my "your in trouble" voice, she tilts her head down and looks up at me--I swear her eyes get even more beautiful and big. Oh yeah, we are in TROUBLE.

Eden learned on her own how to climb onto the dining chairs, and then onto the dining table. Basically, nothing is out of arm's reach for her anymore. Much to her delight.

Owen has watched his train documentaries so many times, that he knows exactly when and what train whistle/horn/noise happens throughout each video. We now have "no train noises at the dinner table/after sister goes to bed/when mom's head hurts/when we don't like what someone says" rules.

Owen has eaten more cheese this week than I think he's had all year. On Wednesday we watch LOST while he has a special movie night in his room (we use Matt's laptop to show the movie--making it all the more special for Owen). Randomly, Owen came running into the living room saying "Two cheese, please?" I figured it must be a better snack than cookies. Luckily, we get 1-2lbs of cheese from WIC every week.