Monday, March 2, 2009

Overheard at the Cramer house

Owen to Eden: "You're drivin' me crazy!"
Eden: "Hi-eee!"
Owen: "Silwee, silwee, silwee." (said while patting Eden's head)
Eden: "Ha-iiii-eee!"
Owen: "Oh no! Holy, moly!" (said when we came to a red light while rushing to sports class)
Eden: "Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi!" (said as soon as daddy opens the door)
Owen: "Hubba, hubba." (said after his mom whistled at him)
Eden: "Blither, blabur, HI" (said morning, noon, and night)

Added a few minutes later: Eden also now says "pah-wease" as she signs please. She also learned to pick her nose (her brother confessed to teaching her--with much pride, I must say). She thinks it's downright HILARIOUS!


Grandma Lola said...

Oh my! I can hardly wait till Spring Break to hear and see them.

Gena said...

Man. Sorry about the picking the nose incident. And I'm sorry to tell you the next thing he will teach her will be potty humor. ;)

Tamara said...

Oh great, it'll be like living with Erick all over again. Is that when I'm allowed to stick them in a barrell?