Wednesday, October 14, 2009

All In A Day's Work

I'm usually up at 6 a.m., and strive to be in bed by 10 p.m. That's 16 hours. What all do I do in 16 hours?
4 hours at Tenfold
.5 hour driving to/from work
20 minute workout
1.5 hours eating/feeding kids
3 hours "getting ready" (for work, to workout, prepping Owen's various therapies, bed, whatever)
2 hours cooking
.5 hour getting kids down for naps
2 hours working on Forty Foot Music and/or Nurtured Mother (or, more Tenfold tasks)
.5 hour Family Bible Study time/put kids to bed
The remaining 1.5 hours or so, I'm checking e-mail, catching up on facebook, tidying or cleaning, and doing all those things that must get done every day.

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