Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 11, 2010

What I did today:

1. Stuffed, stamped, and mailed out over 500 Valentines for Tenfold.
2. Made lunch for 3 kids and 1 spouse (with much appreciated help from said spouse).
3. Baked cookies.
4. Applied for 3 full time jobs. (Just in case.)
5. Played dress-up, tea party, and mommies with Eden.
6. Utilized playtime with Eden to multi-task & tidy house. (She's got to learn sometime what it really means to be a mommy, right?)
7. Ate 3 cookies, and a large scoop (or two) of cookie dough. (The day is not over either, folks.)

Still have laundry to fold and dinner to make. Yep, it's Thursday.

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