Thursday, November 13, 2008

Eden's New Car

Eden's 1st birthday is on Monday, and she received her first gift earlier this week. She loves her new car, Grandma Lola!

I don't yet have pictures of it, but she also got a bunny. No, not a real bunny. She's been stealing her brother's stuffed bunnies, so momma and dada got her a bunny of her own. It also comes with her own star (yes, a real star in the sky), which she can name when she gets older. She was quite delighted with this new fuzzy creature, and carries it around by it's ears. Eden also gives the bunny big wet kisses right on the nose. (I also saw her try to poke it's eyes out, but that's another story.)

1 comment:

Grandma Lola said...

she likes what we got her! Yeah!