Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Forget That We're Not Normal

This Wednesday (May 29) Owen will have his 4th annual CF check-up. We journey to Denver about 4 times a year for quick check-ups, but the annual is a major ordeal. Owen will have several chest x-rays (we've been told that soon he'll have regular CT scans instead), blood work, throat cultures, and we'll visit with nurses, doctors, respiratory therapists, nutritionists, and a social worker.
This year the CF Center was kind enough to arrange x-rays and blood work here in Loveland to shorten our time in Denver. However, we've added something new this year: surgery consult.
A couple years ago, Owen started having issues with rectal prolapse. Recently it has become a bigger problem, and we're looking at possibly having to do surgery.
I'm praying for an alternative, less invasive, solution.

As always, we ask for your prayers for his health--and God continues to keep Owen exceptionally healthy. This time around, we ask specifically for this surgery consult and a safe solution.

Oh, and if you're wondering about the title of this post--I was writing out our schedule for the week, and as I wrote "surgery consult" onto the calendar, my heart skipped a beat. We've become somewhat accustomed to the nuances of life with CF, and I forget that surgery consultations for 4 year olds isn't typically part of most people's lives. I realized I needed to ask for prayers and pray myself before doing anything else.


Wendy said...

We will definitely be praying for all of you, that God will give you the strength and courage to face whatever lies ahead, and also for healing for Owen (and NO surgery!). We love you.

Rose said...

Oh dear, please keep us posted! I forget the Owen has CF also. I'm sorry about the surgery option.... I hope it isn't the only option.

Gena said...

That little boy always looks so healthy...I sometimes forget he has CF also. Some friends of ours have a three year old little girl with CF. Her blog is They're really active in the CF community, and help organize a lot of different events.

I'll be praying about the surgery options!