Monday, August 27, 2012

Homeschooling Around YOUR Schedule

I was going into 8th grade when my folks decided to homeschool us. A big reason they finally made "the jump" was time. Homeschooling allowed us to spend more time together as a family. With both parents back at college and working--we would have been latch-key kids for far too much time during the day.

When I first attempted to homeschool, I was way too focused on schedules, getting "it all" done in a day, and overall just putting way too many rules and restrictions on our life. Now that we've started a bakery our schedule is a bit unconventional. And that's okay. This time around with homeschooling, I'm making it work for us, instead of us being a slave to the schedule.

Today is Monday. For our family that is recovery day. We bake all weekend and sell at farmers' markets. It's exhausting, as we sleep very little until Sunday afternoon. We also need to sleep in on Monday. Of course, since we bake and sell all weekend, the house cleaning gets puts aside. So, that's what we started with today--cleaning house. We listened to worship music--LOUD, and Little Bun did hand motions (hilarious). We followed that up with reading--Big Loaf read to Little Bun. After that we had an art/history/Bible lesson. The kids made playdoh sculptures of the days of creation, and then had to explain them to me. (This allowed me time to workout and shower.) Then, a picnic lunch with friends. We skipped rest time today, since we didn't get much "book work" done. This was the kids choice. They had the option of rest time, but they know they can't play with iPods or watch movies until schoolwork is done. So, we completed all of our English lessons and Math lessons today--in less than 2 hours. Now both kids are happily enjoying quiet time (one watching a movie, the other playing games on his iPod) while The Baker (who also happens to teach music) is teaching a guitar lesson.

See how that worked out? It's not our "normal" schedule, but getting to see these friends today, sleeping in,  and cleaning house was important. Rest time moved from 1:30 to 4 p.m. We adapted to fit our needs and wants. This is a big reason I love homeschooling.

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