Friday, November 16, 2007

Nothing to report

Yesterday I had contractions that built up from 5 a.m. until 10 a.m. They got closer & closer together, and more & more intense--it finally seemed like the baby was coming.
By lunch it had calmed down, spiked again around 2 p.m., and basically came to a screeching halt by bedtime.
I was exhausted & sore.
Despite contractions most of the night, I feel great & well rested. Still, no baby, and nothing really showing that we'll see him or her today.

I'm not so frustrated that the baby hasn't yet been born. I'm definitely bummed--I was really looking forward to holding him or her yesterday.
The frustration comes with how do I plan my day when any second things could change. Do I go in to work? Do I rest up in preparation? Do I clean the entire house, b/c my nesting instincts are driving me nuts?

You would think with all my training & education in birthing that this would be so much easier.

Here's hoping my next post is to announce the birth of our second child.

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