Friday, July 3, 2009

Owen, the Baker

After dinner tonight I turned the oven on to preheat, so that we could bake cookies. I left the kitchen to go give the kids a bath.
When we were done, I could smell something odd--I blew it off--typically we leave the stone pan in the oven, and it often has a smell as it gets hot (curing).
By the time I made it into the kitchen smoke was filling the house--NOT normal. I opened the oven to find a cookie sheet with an oven mitt, a pot holder, two pie grippers, and a plastic ladle. I quickly pulled them out, and removed everything from the cookie sheet--thankfully, the ladle had only begun to melt.

I believe I uttered the words, "What on earth?" I soon remembered from early this morning--Owen was "baking cookies" while Matt made coffee. These items must've been from his early-morning baking-play.

I love being a mom.