Sunday, August 3, 2008

Day 28: It's Raining On Sunday

I love the rain. We had a warm summer rain this afternoon, and I enjoyed just standing at the back door taking in the fantastic smell of the rain.
Today was a wonderful day, praising God, time as a family, a nap (a reason alone to rejoice), and fellowship with amazing friends that I'm so thankful to have in our lives.

Thank you to our dear friends tonight, for loving on us, praying with us, encouraging us, being honest and caring at the same time, and sharing your wisdom. I am so thankful God brought you back into our lives, and if this current struggle was necessary for that to happen--it has been well worth it.

Kiddo Report:
After several hours of play with our friend's kids Owen's language skills were sharpened dramatically. He actually repeated his prayers with his daddy! Nothing is more precious than hearing your child pray to God.
Eden is saying "mama" more often now, and I think my heart grows two sizes each time I hear her. She also has a fantastic time blowing raspberries. (Not so fantastic when she blows WHILE eating--mushed pea shower, anyone?)

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