Friday, July 11, 2008

Day 5/30: Caught Red-Handed

Another berry-muncher has joined our family. Little Eden seems to enjoy black raspberries just as much as Owen. (Though she has the luck of seeds not getting stuck in her teeth, being that she doesn't have any!)

The berries are ripening quickly now, and it's a twice daily activity to go and pick berries. There are so many now that we actually have some leftover day to day. I might even attempt making jam.

Bathtime after berries. (Naked in the tub is okay to show on the blog, naked in the pool--that's another story--yes, it's my bizarre logic, and I'm okay with that.)


Grandma Lola said...

Does she pick them off the bushes when she goes outside?

Rose said...

Naked in the tub vs. naked in the pool, totally different.